The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), established in 1978, is headquartered in New Delhi and functions through a network of 22 centres located in different parts of the country.As the apex autonomous research organization under the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, the CCRUM is engaged in conducting scientific research on the applied and fundamental aspects of Unani Medicine since its inception.
The Council has made significant strides in clinical research, drug standardization, survey and cultivation of medicinal plants, and literary research. Besides, research-oriented health extension services, and information, education and communication (IEC) activities have also been part of the Council's programmes. Extension of Healthcare services under the scheme of collocation of AYUSH centres in Allopathic Hospital in Delhi, several Unani Medical Centres were established at RML Hospital, DDU Hospital, All India Institute of Ayurveda and at Safdarjung Hospital. With the efforts of the scientists and technical manpower at its 22 research centres spread across the country, the Council has won appreciation from various quarters for its patents which are 17 in number, innovative research outcomes, and scientific publications.
The Council has been working and intends to continue its efforts for opening new possibilities and opportunities to deal with persistent and emerging medical and health problems particularly in the areas of communicable and non-communicable diseases. With the available state of the art infrastructure at its units, the Council is marching ahead to explore the hidden potentials of Unani system of medicine for benefitting the masses around the globe.