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Part Used : Leaf
The drug Aak (Madar) consists of dried leaves of Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae); a drug yielding plant is found wild more or less throughout India.
Temperament: Hot & Dry 4̊
Action(s): Resolvent of swelling/Anti-inflammatory (Mohallil-e-Waram), Expectorant (Munaffis-e-Balgham), Digestive (Hazim), Detergent (Jali), Vermicide (Qatil-e-Deedan-e-Ama)
Theraputic Use(s): Bronchial asthma (Zeeq-un-Nafas),Polyarthritis (Waja-ul-Mafasil),Piles/Haemorrhoid (Bawaseer), Dysentery (Zaheer), Spermatorrhoea (Jiryan), Worm infestation (Deedan-e-Ama)
Dose: External Use
Important Formulation(s): Raughan-e-Haft Barg, Raughan-e-Chahar Barg