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Part Used : Root

The drug Asl-ul-Soos consists of dried, unpeeled, stolon and root of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (Fabaceae); a drug yielding plant is a tall perennial herb, upto 2 m high found cultivated in Europe, Persia, Afghanistan and to little extent in some parts of India.

  • Temperament: Hot & Dry 3̊

  • Action(s): Concoctive (Munzij), Nervine tonic (Muqawwi-e-Asab), Resolvent of swelling/Anti-inflammatory (Mohallil-e-Waram), Expectorant (Munaffis-e-Balgham), Carminative (Kasir-e-Riyah), Diuretic (Mudirr-e-Baul), Emmenagogue (Muddirr-e-Haiz)

  • Theraputic Use(s): Cough (Sual), Feeling of roughness in throat (Khushunat-e-Halq), Acute hoarseness (Bohat-us-Saut Haad), Bronchial asthma (Zeeq-un- Nafas), Burning micturition (Hurqat-ul-Baul)

  • Dose: 3 to7g.

  • Important Formulation(s): Habb-e-Ghariqoon, Habb-e-Surfa, Habb-e-Surfa Qawi, Qurs-e-Zarishk, Dayaqooza, Lauq-e-Hulba, Lauq-e-Khiyar Shambar, Lauq-e-Nazli, Lauq-e-Sapistan Lauq-e-Shamoon, Lauq-e-Zeequn-Nafas, Majoon-e-Mundi, Qairooti-e-Aarad-e-Karsana, Raughan-e-Sanan,Sharbat-e-Sadr.

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