A+ | A++ |


Part Used : Root

The drug Atees consists of dried, tuberous roots of Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle (Ranunculaceae); a drug yielding plant is a perennial herb, native of western Himalayas and found in Garhwal, Kumaon and Kashmir at altitude between 2500-4000m

  • Temperament: Hot & Dry 20

  • Action(s): Antipyretic (Dafi-e-Humma), Astringent (Qabiz), Haemostyptic (Habis-ud-Dam), Stomachic (Muqawwi-e-Meda), Nervine stimulant (Moharrik-e-Asab).

  • Theraputic Use(s): Gastric debility (Zof-e-Meda), Vomiting (Qai), Diarrhoea (Ishal), Chronic dysentery (Zaheer Muzmin).

  • Dose: 2 to 3g.

  • Important Formulation(s): Majoon-e-Joqraj Gugal.

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