Part Used : Root
The drug Asgand consists of dried mature roots of Withania somnifera (L). Dunal (Solanaceae); drug yielding plant is perennial shrub, found in waste land, cultivated in fields and open grounds throughout India; widely cultivated in certain areas of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan; roots collected in winter, washed and cut into short pieces.
Temperament: Hot & Dry 3̊
Action(s): Resolvent of swelling/Anti-inflammatory (Mohallil-e-Waram), General tonic (Muqawwi-e-Aam), Stomachic (Muqawwi-e- Meda), Spermatogenic (Muwallid-e-Mani), Adipogenous (Musammin-e-Badan),Nerves calming agent (Musakkin-e-Asab), Hypnotic (Munawwim).
Theraputic Use(s): Leucorrhoea(Sailan-ur-Rahem), Spermatorrhoea (Jiryan), Thin consistency of semen (Riqqat-e-Mani), Low Backache(Waja-ul-Qatan), Polyarthritis (Waja-ul-Mafasil), Sexual debility(Zof-e-Bah)
Dose: 5 to 10 g.
Important Formulation(s): Majoon-e-Sohag, Sonth, Majoon-e-Salab, Zimad-e- Mohallil, Kushta-e-Gaodanti